Ancient Australia Unearthed - using archaeology to teach high school history

Alethea Kinsela
Alethea Kinsela
12 years ago
1 posts

If you've ever thought the teaching of Indigenous prehistory is in need of some attention in Australian schools, consider getting involved in this.I'm writing a book targeted at school kids that explores the history of Ancient Australia through archaeology.

To date, no comprehensive textbooks exist that cover the Australian Curriculum topic 'Ancient Australia', and teachers are struggling to deliver this unit in schools.Ancient Australia Unearthedwilladdress this need.

I've launched a crowdfunding campaign to assist with the cost of print, design and distribution, as well as copyright royalties (it can cost $70 for permission to use a single image, and this is an image-loaded book).

To support this project,

You don't have to be on Facebook - just click "pledge now", type in amount (e.g. $10) and choose a ($10) reward, which you will receive after the target is reached and your payment is forwarded.

I have attachedtwo 2-page spreads from the Introduction of my book that give an indication of what the finished product may look like.

Thanks, and please forward this to anyone who you might think could be interested, especially those who teach, those who learn, and thosewho wish to ensure that Indigenous prehistory is taught comprehensively in schools.

updated by @alethea-kinsela: 21/06/17 01:16:09PM


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