relative hyperhomology of modules

11 years ago
7 posts

hyperhomology of modules devoted to cartan -eilenberg

but relative hyperhomology even has not been worked

let T=Tot(KOY) s.t O=tensor product

if A is a sub total complex of T in this case there exist K_n_and Y_m

s.t A=Tot(K_nOY_m) we have exact sequence of relative Total complexes


with use of effect of Homology functor for above exact sequence we have following exact sequence :


now we provide that priliminaries for relative (co)hyperhomology two complex of sheavesand relative (co)homology of sheaves

with the best wishes darush.aghababayeedehkordi

updated by @dariushaghababayeedehkordi: 21/06/17 01:16:09PM


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