“X International Congress of Wildlife Management in the Amazon and Latin America

Julieta Pedrana
Julieta Pedrana
14 years ago
1 posts

Dear Sir or Madam,

My name is Julieta Pedrana. I obtained my PhD Degree in Biological Sciences at the Research Center of Puerto Deseado, National University of Southern Patagonia, Argentina. Currently I have a postdoctoral position at the Natural Resources and Environmental Management Group, National Agricultural Technology Institute (INTA), Balcarce, Argentina. I am specialized in the application of ecological modeling and GIS techniques for the conservation and sustainable management of wildlife. Please find attached my CV.

I am coordinating a symposium on the "Application of ecological modeling tools and geographic information systems for the conservation and sustainable management of wildlife" at the X International Congress of Wildlife Management in the Amazon and Latin America which will be held in the city of Salta, Argentina from May 14 to May 18, 2012. This event is open to all interested in wildlife and it will present an opportunity to meet and interact with researchers and share information about wildlife conservation and research underway in the Amazon and Latin America. The presentations and discussions will be focused on advances in design, development, implementation, methods, and wildlife conservation and management plans in the Amazon and Latin America.

The Congress is organized by the Institute of Natural Resources and Eco Development (IRNED) of the National University of Salta. Unfortunatelythe organizing committeedoes not havesufficient funds toprovide support toall guestsresearchers. I am writing to you because we are searching sponsors for this symposium. The money we are requesting is to defray travel and lodging costs of the researchers that will be part of the symposium.

We stand at your disposal for any additional clarification. Thank you very much for your time. Kind regards,

updated by @julieta-pedrana: 21/01/17 10:16:28PM


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