n-ary sheaves

11 years ago
7 posts

A n-ary sheaf of n-ary K-modules consist of a topological space S together with a map pi from S to M satisfing the following conditions :

a)pi is a lo9cal n-ary homeomorphism of S toM

b)pi^-1(m) is a n-ary K-module for every m in M.


composition laws are n-ary continuouse in topology on cartesina product of n-copies of S.

let SoSoS...S be the subspace of product of n-copies of S consist os all n-tuples (s_1,s_2,....,s_n) s-t pi(s_1)=pi(s_2)=.....=Pi(s_n).

the function f(s_1,s_2,...,s_n) =s_1-s_2+s_3-s_4+.....+s_n-1 -s_n of SoSoSo....oS to S be a n-ary continuouse

sheaves of n-ary K-algebras are defined similarly.

in aaxiom of C with additional property ( (s_1,s_2,...s_n)----> s_1s_2....s_n are n-ary continuouse.

n-ary presheaves will define in future.


updated by @dariushaghababayeedehkordi: 21/01/17 10:16:28PM


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