Questionnaire for collection of Ethnobotanical knowledge about wild vegetable.

Questionnaire for the collection of Ethnobotanical knowledge about wild vegetable.

Respondents details:


Male/ Female



Location (Name of Village)

Data about wild vegetable and its use:

 Plant (Local name)

(Tree/ Herb/ Shrub/Climber)

Availability (Easily available / available with difficulty/ hardly available)

Conservation needs and efforts

Plant part(s) used as vegetableCollection and storage

Method of processing and vegetable preparation

Benefits of these vegetables

Other information, if any

Respondents Approval Agreement

I..................................................... (Name of respondent) hereby agree to participate in this study with my full consent and conscious. I declare that to the best of my Knowledge the information that I have provided are true, accurate and complete.

(Signature/Thumb impression of respondent)



Plant identified as

(Botanical Name and Family)


                                                                                                         Signature of Researcher


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