Juan Pedro Ferrio

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Blogs: 8
images: 17
Location: Zaragoza, Spain
Work interests: Plant Physiology, Forestry, Stable Isotopes, Archaeobotany, Agriculture, Plant breeding, Ecohydrology
Affiliation/website: https://www.juanpedroferrio.com
Preferred contact method: Any
Preferred contact language(s): English, Spanish
Contact: Estación Experimental de Aula Dei (EEAD-CSIC), Avda. Montañana 1005, 50059 Zaragoza, SPAIN
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Founding Member

Location: Zaragoza, Spain
Work: Plant ecophysiology, stable isotopes, archaeobotany, palaeoenvironment, plant breeding
Affiliations: EEAD-CSIC

Special Issue "Stable Isotopes in Forest Ecosystem Research"

user image 2018-09-03
By: Juan Pedro Ferrio
Posted in: Stable Isotopes

Invitation to contribute to Special Issue "Stable Isotopes in Forest Ecosystem Research"
Deadline for submission: 31 May 2019

Dr. Juan Pedro Ferrio, ARAID-CITA, Spain
Prof. Dr. M. Larry Lopez C., Yamagata University, Japan
Guest Editors

I would like to draw your attention to a special issue on applications of stable isotopes in the journal Forests (MDPI, ISSN 1999-4907), which is now open for submission until 31st May 2019. We invite contributions on the use of SI in forest ecology and ecophysiology, including carbon, nutrient and water balance, and plant-plant and plant-microbial interactions, among others. We encourage potential authors to contact us in advance in order to ensure that the submission fits within the scope, as well as to solve any doubts about the submission process.



Special issue information:

Globally, forests are able to fix about 30% of annual anthropogenic CO2 emissions, and may be responsible for 70–90% of continental water losses. Therefore, understanding forest response to environmental drivers is crucial to anticipate and eventually mitigate the impacts of future global change. For this purpose, stable isotopes analysis has become a particularly suitable tool, offering time- and space-integrated information on the environmental effects on tree physiology and the implications for carbon, water and nutrient ecosystem balances. In this Special Issue, we invite studies developing applications of stable isotopes in forest ecology, tree physiology and ecohydrology, as well as modelling or empirical studies aimed at improving our mechanistic understanding of isotope fractionation in trees.

In particular, we encourage studies on the application of stables isotopes to the study of:

  • ecological interactions in relation to the use of resources, e.g. nutrients, water, light;
  • genetic variability in water uptake and water use efficiency in trees;
  • nutrient balance of forests in response to environmental or anthropogenic changes;
  • nitrogen dynamics: soil-mycorrhiza-plant interface;
  • interaction between forests and the hydrological cycle;
  • physiological response to different silvicultural treatments or disturbances;
  • whole-tree and ecosystem carbon and water balances;
  • validation and/or development of mechanistic models of isotope fractionation;


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