Introduction posted to the University of Auckland Alumni (NZ) at LinkedIn

Research Cooperative
10/05/11 10:27:21PM

Professional networking for graduate students and researchers

PJM, 10th May 2011, at the LinkedIn group " Auckland University Alumni and Friends "

This post is in response to the article on networking in the alumni magazine Ingenio (Autumn 2011). The comments on networking were mostly consistent with my own experience as a graduate student and researcher since leaving Auckland in 1984 to study in Germany and Australia.

Now (alongside my main job as a researcher in Japan), I run an NPO networking site for researchers, editors, translators and others (see link below).

This is an attempt to improve the efficiency of contact between all the people involved in getting research published, anywhere in the world.

Even alumni members who are not involved in research or language services can help as volunteers. There is a great need for people who understand our purpose to (a) promote the network, and (b) stimulate more active use of the network by existing members.

Please visit and join. Suggestions and advice are also welcome.

Ingenio also carried a nice obituary on Dame Judith Binney, my first editor for an article written and published from my MSc thesis at Auckland. The Research Cooperative is a project in which I try to give back all I have learned from teachers, writers and editors over many years, including those at the University of Auckland.