Chief Admin


Blogs: 170
Pages: 4
Memos: 113
Invitations: 1
Location: Kyoto and Auckland
Work interests: research, editing, science communication
Affiliation/website: National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka
Preferred contact method: Any
Preferred contact language(s): English, German
Contact: email = researchcooperative-at-gmail-dot-com
Favourite publications: Various, and especially the open access versions of older journals with effective review systems

Founding Member

Work: ethnobotany, prehistory, museum curation
Affiliations: 1996-present: National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka. 1995: Freelance editor, Kyoto. 1994: JSPS Research Visitor, Kyoto University, Kyoto. 1993: Research Visitor, Australian National University, Canberra. 1991: Visiting Researcher, National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka.1990: STA Fellow, National Institute for Ornamental Plants, Vegetables, and Tea (NIVOT), Ano, Japan
Contact: National Museum of Ethnology, Senri Expo Park, Suita City, Osaka, Japan 565-8511
Biographical: Established the Research Cooperative in 2001
Favourite Publications: Various

A call from the wilderness

One of our members recently asked me to say more about how this network works... even if it requires a fictional example. The following example is entirely fictional.

EDITING request.

Hi! I need help to get a paper ready for submitting to the journal Nature. I'm desperate... if I cannot get a paper published in a good journal soon, I won't be able to escape from my present job.

I really love doing research, but I am stuck in my local city office monitoring water quality after doing a PhD in microbiology at a private university that no one knows about, here in Big Rock Island.

I have been thinking about writing a paper on the frequency of gut disturbances in our bottled water plant.

My data is really rough, and I don't have much experience with research writing, but something strange is going on here. Maybe what I am seeing is new. Maybe something like when that guy found people eating the brains of other people, and getting sick, and won a Nobel prize. Only here the people are drinking something they don't know about.

My former teacher is too busy to help me (he retired and went fishing), my salary is very low, and the city does not give me any budget for research or writing.

If anyone can help me, as a volunteer, please look at my profile page to learn more about my previous work. I would be grateful if you can help me in any way. I really need people to talk to for advice, to straighten out my ideas and writing.

Publishing in Nature is just a fantasy. There might be a better journal for the report I want to make. I need help to find a journal that would be interested in my work.

Your sincerely,

A. L. G. A. L. Bloom


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