Volunteering in Refugee Camp

23/10/21 06:02:07PM

According to the  UN High Commissioner on Refugees , there are more than 65 million forcibly-displaced persons in the world right now. That’s higher than the population of most nations! Although the Syrian refugee crisis has been prominent in the mainstream media recently, there are people fleeing from other countries like Burma, Burundi, Tibet, Afghanistan, Turkey, North Korea, and Somalia.

Driven out by war or political or religious persecution, refugees form a sizable population of people in need, meaning there’s much work to be done for those willing to step up and volunteer. Volunteers can be critical aids in helping refugees integrate into a new culture or improving the quality of life in refugee camps themselves.

Research Cooperative
23/10/21 10:09:59PM @chief-admin:


Since our network is all about research and communication, I will add some links here for publications related to refugees:

Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies

Journal of Refugee Studies


...and here is a list from the Bodleian Libraries (UK):

  • Disasters
  • Forced Migration Review
  • Georgetown Immigration Law Journal
  • Human Rights Quarterly
  • International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care
  • International Journal of Refugee Law
  • International Migration
  • International Migration Review
  • Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
  • Journal of International Migration and Integration
  • Journal of Refugee Studies
  • Refugee Survey Quarterly

The UNHCR (UN Refugee Agency) website is also an important source of information.

... and last but not least, the International Rescue Committee :
