A competition for illustrators, at academic conference (an example to follow?)

Research Cooperative
31/03/14 11:42:34AM

In my experience, it is not common for illustrators to be given special opportunities to show their work at academic conferences.

It would be great if this example could be followed by others. Please tell us if you know of any other examples, in any discipline.


On 4-10th October, 2014, the Xth Latin American Botanical Congress will be held in Chile.

As part of the Congress, a jury will be set up to judge original illustrations of Latin American plants, in three different categories

Full details can be found at the Congress website here:


Concurso de Ilustraciones botnicas
El Comit invita a participar en el Concurso de Ilustraciones botnicas del X Congreso ALB.
Presidenta de concurso: Maria Negritto

Normas de presentacin de ilustraciones


Las plantas ilustradas deben ser nativas de un pas latinoamericano o del Caribe.
Un ilustrador podr presentar hasta un mximo de dos ilustraciones en cada categora.
El ilustrador debe estar registrado y haber pagado la inscripcin al X Congreso Latinoamericano de Botnica.
La inscripcin de cada ilustracin tendr un costo de US$ 50.


  • Categora I: Ilustraciones en blanco y negro. Dibujos con tinta negra en lnea o en punto.
  • Categora II: Ilustraciones a color con tcnica libre (acuarelas, leos, acrlicos, tcnicas digitales, etc.)
  • Categora III: Fotografas (blanco y negro; a color)