research topics

Minoo Alemi
Minoo Alemi
15 years ago
5 posts
Hi Peter,Thank you for your message,but It was for last May,and I finished the projects.Regards,Minoo
Research Cooperative
Research Cooperative
15 years ago
226 posts
Dear Minoo,Can your change your message title, or resend as a new message with a more informative title?I think this request can be classified as "Writing project on second-language issues (seeking a range of views)"Best regards, Peter (Admin)

Peter J. Matthews, Chief Admin.,
The Research Cooperative,
Auckland & Kyoto.

Contact: researchcooperative [at] gmail [dot] com
Minoo Alemi
Minoo Alemi
15 years ago
5 posts

Dear Coleagues:

I'm working on three research projects namely, dynamic assessment on L2 writing,Identity and L2 learning,and Critical thinking.If anybody has any interests or experiences on these areas,let's share our thoughts.I will be finished in collecting data in one week,and after writing the papers, i'm interestedin publishing my articles in ISI journals.I will get happy if you ,dear friends,give me anysuggestions or comments.



updated by @minoo-alemi: 25/05/18 07:44:39AM


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