I found someone!See: Mark Garland profile at Research Cooperative.Mark - thanks very much for your help.
Peter J. Matthews, Chief Admin.,
The Research Cooperative,
Auckland & Kyoto.
Contact: researchcooperative [at] gmail [dot] com
Botanical Latin, to English
I am seeking a specialist, professional, or experienced translator who can translate a plant-species description written in Latin, to English, as soon as possible from now (see date of posting).Please contact me directly - pjm at gol dt com - or through this website.Thank you
Peter J. Matthews, Chief Admin.,
The Research Cooperative,
Auckland & Kyoto.
Contact: researchcooperative [at] gmail [dot] com
updated by @chief-admin: 02/06/16 07:57:21PM
Peter J. Matthews, Chief Admin.,
The Research Cooperative,
Auckland & Kyoto.
Contact: researchcooperative [at] gmail [dot] com
updated by @chief-admin: 02/06/16 07:57:21PM