Dear Richard,Sorry for not responding to this sooner. I can easily start a new group, but we would need to focus on aspects related to communication about risk, through any kind of publishing.An aim of the group (for example) could be to introduce and discuss (a) journals and publishers that report on risk behaviour, management and communication, and/or (b) the media used to communicate research-based knowledge about risk to communities that face risk.If this seems useful to you, and you can help me with administration of the group, then I can set up a group. I am sure that there will not be much activity initially (and not much work administratively), but over time, the group membership will grow and it may become an interesting and useful addition to our Research Cooperative activities.Best regards, Peter (Admin, Research Cooperative)
Peter J. Matthews, Chief Admin.,
The Research Cooperative,
Auckland & Kyoto.
Contact: researchcooperative [at] gmail [dot] com
Risk communication in environment and health
Any interest in starting a group looking at socio-geographic-political-economic variations in risk -behavior, -management, -communication etc in Europe or elsewhere?
updated by @richard-m-stern: 21/06/17 01:16:09PM
updated by @richard-m-stern: 21/06/17 01:16:09PM