Scholarship Opportunity for participants who desire to attend the Society of Economic Botany Meeting, June 1-5, 2009 in Charleston, South Carolina See details here. Join forces with a dynamic network of ethnobiology educators gathering in Charleston, S.C. to explore the development of a new culture for Ethnobiology in the science classroom.If you are an undergraduate student with an interest in ethnobiology education, an early career ethnobiologist, or seasoned ethnobiology educator, your participation is needed in the development of this innovative tool created through our "Open Science" project. Please note that your application will be published on WiserEarth.An NSF grant supports participant costs for travel, lodging and meals for individuals to participate in the inaugural grant meeting Saturday, May 30. Participants are encouraged to stay to participate in the Society of Economic Botany meeting that begins May 31.Act now! Deadline for applications is MAY 1. Voting will take place May 2-4, with scholarships announced on May 5.Three individuals will be chosen from each of the following categories. The online application will ask you to indicate the funding category that you are applying for: ** Undergraduate student* Early career ethnobiologist* Ethnobiology educator* non U.S. ethnobiologist See details here.
Peter J. Matthews, Chief Admin.,
The Research Cooperative,
Auckland & Kyoto.
Contact: researchcooperative [at] gmail [dot] com
updated by @chief-admin: 21/06/17 01:16:09PM