Members of the Cooperative who have experience in this area are encouraged to look at the IJCSIS website and the invitation for reviewers that can be found there.Other journal editors might like to see how the IJCSIS uses and explains a double-blind review system.Thanks to the IJCSIS Editor for joining us!Peter (for the Co-op)
Peter J. Matthews, Chief Admin.,
The Research Cooperative,
Auckland & Kyoto.
Contact: researchcooperative [at] gmail [dot] com
Call for Paper IJCSIS 2009 (Volume 5)
International Journal of Computer Science and Information SecurityIJCSIS SEPTEMBER 2009ISSN: 1947-5500Vol. 5, No.1 International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS) is one of the leading international journals for publishing novel ideas, state-of-the-art research results and fundamental advances in all aspects of computer science and information & communication security. IJCSIS is a peer reviewed international journal with a key objective to provide the academic and industrial community a medium for presenting original research and applications related to Computer Science.Paper submissions are invited in the area of computer science. Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following: Biometric Security, Artificial Intelligence Internet Security & Applications Algorithms, Artificial Intelligence, Computational Intelligence Multimedia Processing in Wireless Networks and Multimedia Applications RFID, Bluetooth and 802.1x Technologies and Security Computer Networks and Data Communication, QoS and Traffic Analysis Mobile Computing Systems Information Systems, Applications and Value-Added Services Database System, Data Mining, Information retrieval Hybrid Computational Methods Web- and Grid-based Simulation and Computing Parallel and Distributed Computing Neural Networks, Pattern Recognition, Computer Vision Advanced Computing Architectures and New Programming Models Visualization and Virtual Reality as Applied to Computational Science Computer Architecture and Embedded Systems Technology in Education, Theoretical Computer Science Computing Ethics, Computing Practices & Applications Watermarking: techniques, attacks, protocols, applications Cryptography and Cryptanalysis: techniques, protocols, applications Fuzzy systems and evolutionary computing for intelligent multimedia processing Wireless Network Algorithms, Protocols, Performance EvaluationAll submitted papers will be judged based on their quality by the technical committee and reviewers. Papers that describe research and experimentation are encouraged. All paper submissions will be handled electronically and detailed instructions on submission procedure are available on IJCSIS web pages ( Accepted papers will be published online and indexed by Google Scholar, CiteSeerX and Directory for Open Access Journal (DOAJ).Important Dates:Paper Submission Date: 31 August 2009Acceptance Notification: 17 September 2009Online Publication Date: 30 September 2009Submission Guidelines (Notes for Authors)For other information, please contact IJCSIS Managing Editor, (
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updated by @ijcsis-editor: 21/01/17 10:16:28PM