Training in article writing available
Dear Sir,
I am working in the area of ETHNOBOTANY especially in the field of Ethnomedicinal plants. Hope your experience will nourish my article writing ability.
Prasant Kumar Singh
Contact number +919452864398
Hi all - I hope you have downloaded the flyer attached above so you have an idea of the kinds of things I offer. It will probably need to be a group or an institution that engages me to come to your place, but maybe we can discuss alternative possibilities one-to-one. Happy to talk more!
Hi Joseph! Once you have read the flyer and checked out my websiteperhaps you can talk to your bosses or colleaguesabout organising a course - where are you located?
Dear Research Cooperative members,
I'd like to let you know about the training I offer, to novice authors of all language backgrounds. I worked inthe researcher education unit of an Australian university for many years, and now operate as a consultant specialising in the area of publication skill development. Please see the attached flyer for details - and I look forward to hearing from you if you are interested.
Best regards,
Margaret Cargill
updated by @margaret-cargill: 21/06/18 02:42:50AM