An offer to help write requests for help

Research Cooperative
Research Cooperative
17 years ago
226 posts
If you need help to make any kind of request for help, in our forums, then I can help you.If English is not your first language, it might seem difficult to write a public request. Or even if English is your first language, it might seem difficult. I am making this offer because I want to encourage writers to seek help in our forums. The best way to do this is with some actual examples. Generally speaking, research writers are a both extrovert and shy. We want to have our work published, but we resist showing it to others before it is published.It is not always necessary for writers to seek help. We should also attempt to be independent, in order to gain experience and confidence, and also so we can discover our own limitations and appreciate help when it is given. Some brilliant writers do eventually become capable of writing flawless papers, without any outside help. There is very little history of researchers openly requesting help, in public forums, but we should not be shy about making such requests.There is a need to be discreet however, especially when the writing involves more than one author, or research that is in some way sensitive. Ideally, the lead or senior author will have authority to seek out help, and can do this without causing embarrassment for the coauthors.In most situations, it is good if we can publicly acknowledge the help given by others, whether or not the help is voluntary or for payment.If you would like to find a volunteer to help, with editing or translation, for example, then please indicate that this help will be acknowledged, if it has been useful.This will make your request for a volunteer much more attractive.

Peter J. Matthews, Chief Admin.,
The Research Cooperative,
Auckland & Kyoto.

Contact: researchcooperative [at] gmail [dot] com

updated by @chief-admin: 21/01/17 10:14:45PM


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