From the administration panel of the Research Cooperative, it is possible to broadcast messages to every member of the Research Cooperative.This is a power that has to be used very sparingly, as most of us are flooded with too many email messages of limited interest.Our messages have been primarily intended to be occasional reminders that the Research Cooperative still exists, and that we welcome use of our forums by all our members.Until now, the only messages I have sent have been directly concerned with development of the Research Cooperative itself.If any members have information that they think would be of general interest to all or many of our members, then I can consider whether to include it, as part of a new newsletter called: Research Cooperative Review (RCR) This is a revised version of the first announcement.The aims of the Review are strictly as follows:1. UPDATE: To comment on various aspects of development of the Research Cooperative network and website.2. REVIEW: To briefly introduce other online research networks as they appear and develop, with special attention to complementarities between our network and other networks.3. ANNOUNCEMENTS: To pass on non-urgent announcements of general interest to members of the Research Cooperative, by any member of the Research Cooperative.Such announcements should not relate to personal or commercial writing projects or research activities. They should be used to introduce public or NPO projects that concern research networks, research writing, science writing, editing, translation, illustrating, and publishing.e.g. announcements for academic/research writing courses, new publishing initiatives, new communication projects within the Research Cooperative, or announcements about new research-related networks.Word length is limited to 100 words per announcement, approximately. Each announcement should state the title, authorship, and contact details. Announcements will be edited if necessary.Our first issue will be in early 2009. Any comments, suggestions and contributions are welcome hereThank you (Peter Matthews, for the Research Cooperative).
Peter J. Matthews, Chief Admin.,
The Research Cooperative,
Auckland & Kyoto.
Contact: researchcooperative [at] gmail [dot] com
updated by @chief-admin: 21/06/17 01:16:09PM