What are the main academic or scientific associations in Bulgaria?

Research Cooperative
26/03/11 11:58:11PM
Our country page is a good place to gather information about academic organisations in Bulgaria - their history, size, roles, names, postal addresses, and website addresses, for example.
Lachezar Hristov Filchev
19/10/12 07:29:39PM @lachezar-hristov-filchev:

Hi Peter,

Of course Bulgaria has its own associations (or Unions) in each major field of science.

Here are a list of the most notable ones:

Union of Scientists in Bulgaria

Federation of the Scientific Engineering Unions

Union of the Matematicians in Bulgaria

Union of the Physicists in Bulgaria

Union of the Bulgarian Biologists

Union of the Chemists in Bulgaria

Bulgarian Geological Society

Bulgarian Geographical Society

The Bulgarian Astronautical Society

Associations of Doctoral Students in Bulgaria

Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds

and probably a lot more.

However, let the other members of the group make their contribution to the list as well.

Kind regards,

Lachezar Filchev

P.S. You can check the status of each of these organizations online at: http://www.ngobg.info/en/index.html