Publications at the University of West Hungary?

Research Cooperative
24/04/11 09:39:42AM

The University of West Hungary has a well-presented English-language website, but the site provides no information at all about the publishing efforts of the university, or individual departments and staff.

Perhaps it is assumed that publications based in the Hungarian language do not need to be introduced to the wider world.

This is a pity, because it is now possible to use machine translation services to gain a first impression of the contents of research publications in any language, and after that, the reader can decide whether to seek a full professional translation.

The university is the fifth largest in Hungary, and with around 20,000 students, it would be surprising if there are no publications in any language! The university is also one with a long history, having started as an agricultural college more than 150 years ago, as attested by the anniversary stamp currently shown here on the "Research Co-op Hungary" page (see above).

Members of the Research Cooperative are invited to provide more information on this matter, or on any other aspects of academic publishing in Hungary generally.

Research Cooperative
30/04/11 09:10:59AM @chief-admin:

Dear Zoltan,

Thanks for the investigation. It always amazes me how ineffective institutions (in any country) can be at dissemination of the work of their staff, after so much time and money has been used to support the research and writing stages.

When I began working at a museum here in Japan, I discovered that the previous 25 years of monographs had been cataloged solely as a series, with just the series title and museum name as clues to the contents of the series. I managed to persuade the museum to add ISBN numbers, author and editor names, and subject keywords for electronic cataloging so that there is now a chance for people around the world to find the more recent volumes through online library catalogs. The first 25 years of academic output remains largely invisible to the world, though the situation is getting better with the establishment of an online repository for all our back issues.

Zoltan A. Fekete
30/04/11 12:23:20AM @zoltan-a-fekete:

Well, the whole site is very sketchy, with many other details also missing. For starters, neither departments nor the teaching/research individuals listed - and the place where they are shown would be the natural location for the publications info. (Note that the actual principal site, has a lot more info from some parts of the institution, although apparently not from all!)

But aside from this, perhaps the best way to look for this kind of info is not the institution itself, but a literature search engine in any event. The term "University of West Hungary" returns about 1,130 hits by, for example. PubMed alone lists the term in the association field 41 times, adds another 7 items, and so on and so forth...