Comments bundled: Port Vitoria online journal and cancer research

Research Cooperative
09/06/13 11:24:42AM
In order to encourage more communication, we will close the comments board so that our message board gains more traction. All messages are sent automatically to members of the group.Best regards, Peter (Admin.)Comment by Francisco Helder C Felix 10 hours ago
Hi, I'd like to make contact with members interested in cancer research. I am a pediatric hemato-oncologist in Fortaleza, CE, Brazil. Cheers to all.
Ol, colegas, eu estou interessado em entrar em contato com membros com atividade em pesquisa do Cncer, bsica ou clnica. Sou pediatra onco-hematologista no Hospital Infantil Albert Sabin, em Fortaleza, no Cear. Um abrao a todos!
Comment by Andersonn Prestes on May 1, 2011 at 3:11

Peter, thanks for your interest in the Brazilian scientific matters. Best,


Comment by Joaquina Pires-O'Brien on April 10, 2011 at 20:48

Nova revista eletronica cultural e educativa

Gostaria de apresentar a revista eletronica PortVitoria cujo link e:

Estamos procurando colaboradores de todo tipo: tradutores, revisores e escritores. Mais informacoes na revista sobere como entrar em contato conosco.

Joaquina Pires-O'Brien, Editora de PortVitoria