Visitors from Germany: previous month vs previous year

Research Cooperative
03/08/13 10:58:56AM


Our network received 2700 visitors from Germany over the last year (July 2012-August 2013). Berlin and Munich certainly look like the academic capitals of Germany, from this perspective.

152_discussions.jpgThe pattern for one year is similar to a previous year (March 2011-2012), but looking carefully, it seems that there was a greater spread or diversity in locations from which our visitors came, in 2012-2013. That's good news.

If we look at just the previous month (July-August 2013, see below), the gaps in Sachsen-Anhalt, Mecklenberg-Vorpommern, Brandenburg, Thuringen, Rheinland-Pfalz are more obvious. Nothing much has changed since the previous year, at the level of the states.

A big challenge for our network is to get people in different parts of Germany to talk to each other more. Man kann hier auch auf Deutsch schreiben!
