Centro de Estudios de México en la Unión Europea

Research Cooperative
22/07/14 10:51:42PM

Here's a thought... in this forum, it might be fun to explore where in the world people are choosing Mexico as an area for study.

Here is what I found first - in Spain:

Centro de Estudios de Mxico en la Unin Europea

"El Centro, con sede en el Instituto Universitario de Investigacin Ortega y Gasset, tiene como objetivo principal fomentar las relaciones acadmicas, culturales, polticas, sociales y econmicas entre Mxico y los pases que integran la UE, ademas de facilitar un mejor conocimiento de su respectiva situacin actual...."

Places like this might be actively publishing their research work in Spanish, English and other languages.

Multilingual institutions are where our network might be most useful.

I have a colleague in Japan (a biologist at Tsukuba University) who is managing a project on plant genetic resources in Mexico. I wonder how many other universities in Japan are involved with Mexico in some way?

Maybe the connections are mainly made through individuals leading their own research projects (like my colleague), not through dedicated university departments or other dedicated institutions.

Peter (Admin.)