Workshop: Editors as promoters of good practices in bioresource research. Toulouse, France, October 9, 2015

Research Cooperative
21/03/15 11:29:17AM

Preliminary announcement

(Cross-posting by Research Cooperative on behalf of the European Association of Science Editors, EASE, a non-profit membership organisation for people interested in science communication and editing)

Join us at the EASE/BRIF workshop in Toulouse

Editors as promoters of good practices in bioresource research

Faculty of Medicine, University of Toulouse

Toulouse, October 9, 2015 (10.00-16.00)

Organized by EASE, ISS, INSERM, Universit Toulouse III, BBMRI-ERIC, CNRS DIST

Why this workshop. A collaboration between a research group concerned with bioresources and a group of journal editors led to the development of a guideline for reporting bioresource use in research articles. The guideline named CoBRA: Citation of BioResources in journal Articles has been published in BMC Medicine in February 2015 (

The guideline is receiving much interest from the research community as you can see from Altmetrics figures at

EASE provided major support in the development of the CoBRA guideline which provides a standard citation of bioresouces to help in the creation of a system for evaluation of bioresource-based research impact. Based on such positive collaboration between EASE and the BRIF (Bioresource Research Impact Factor) initiative, we will organize a workshop to discuss the role of journal editors to promote best practices in research.

Target. The workshop is mainly addressed to editors, researchers, librarians, and students interested to discuss how editors can influence best practices in bioresource-based research.

Speakers. There will be speakers from will from EASE (Paola De Castro), EQUATOR (Iveta Simera), and other research groups involved in bioresource research in Italy (ISS, Elena Bravo) and France (INSERM, Anne Cambon-Thomsen; BBMRI-ERIC, CNRS DIST).

Useful information. The EASE /BRIF workshop will take place at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Toulouse (October 9, 2015 10am-4pm). The afternoon sessions will envisage interactive working groups on the role of journal editors to promote the use and dissemination of reporting guidelines, with special reference to the CoBRA.

Registration. The workshop is free of charge, but you should register to attend and receive registration confirmation.

To register send an e-mail to:

Laurence Mabile (INSERM-UPS):

Elaine Seery (EASE):

Participants will receive a certificate of attendance.

Organizing committee. Paola De Castro (ISS, EASE), Elena Bravo (ISS), Laurence Mabile (INSERM-UPS), Anne Cambon-Thomsen (INSERM-UPS) , Andrea Wutte (BBMRI-ERIC), CNRS-DIST (Renaud Fabre)

Detailed information will be available on EASE website

Tina Wheeler

EASE Secretariat

West Trethellan

Trethellan Water

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Cornwall, TR16 6BP

Tel: +44 (0)1209 860450

