Research Cooperative

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Blogs: 15
Pages: 7
images: 5
youtube videos: 1
Invitations: 2
Groups: 10
Location: International
Work interests: Providing NPO social network for better research communication
Affiliation/website: Serving all members of the Research Cooperative
Preferred contact method: Other (details below)
Preferred contact language(s): English
Contact: email (researchcooperative atto gmail dotto com)
Favourite publications: PJ Matthews and J Akamine, eds. (2004) Research Writing in Japan: Personal, Cultural, and Practical Perspectives, Senri Ethnological Reports No. 49. National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka.

Tips for Networking No. 7

user image 2011-11-13
By: Research Cooperative
Posted in: Tips

What does our network look like?

Welcome to the seventh issue of  Tips   for   Networking

Date: November 13th, 2011.
Publisher: The Research Cooperative. Circulation: c. 3,500.
Previous issue: September 3, 2011 (Adding value to our network).
Tips  top page.

This rough sketch (below) shows shows most of the people involved in research communication, making connections with each other in all directions. I would like our network to look like this.

Please imagine your own place in the network, and then consider how to make the connections that are most useful  for  you. By using the network, you can help make it look more like this sketch.

A single member can be located in more than one place.  For  example, a researcher can join a discussion group  for  his or her own research topic, while using a separate forum to offer help as a reviewer.

If you can show yourself in all the places where you have a genuine interest, this will make it easier  for  you and others to make useful connections. The main forums  for  offers and requests are where very specific connections can be made, according to the needs and skills of our members.

If you would like to comment on this picture, see 'our network in a sketch'.



