Recently Rated:
Work interests: Providing NPO social network for better research communication
Affiliation/website: Serving all members of the Research Cooperative
Preferred contact method: Other (details below)
Preferred contact language(s): English
Contact: email (researchcooperative atto gmail dotto com)
Favourite publications: PJ Matthews and J Akamine, eds. (2004) Research Writing in Japan: Personal, Cultural, and Practical Perspectives, Senri Ethnological Reports No. 49. National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka.
Using the "Service" forums
Overview of Service forums
The Service forums represent the core function of our network.
They are where
members can post offers or requests for services related to getting published, the preparation of educational media, and communication generally.The offers and requests are organised into different categories that are key areas of work for
communication:editing, translation, illustrating, indexing, reviewing, etc.
The Service forums can be found by going to the Services title in the main menu of our website, and clicking directly on that menu title.
Using the checkbox when viewing a service topic
Within each service category, members of the
can post offers or requests as "new topics", and each topic may receive a number of replies (posts).If you interested in offers of translation help, for example, you can look at the category title on left (Translation - OFFERS) and then see at right the number of topics (i.e. offers) that have been posted, alongside a thumbnail image.
If you have read all the posts for one topic (i.e. offer), the background of the
and text at right will be white.If there are
posts that you have not seen, there will be a coloured background.If you wish to mark all the posts as read, use the check box in the toolbar at upper right.