Alexander  Kostin

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Location: Turkey, KKTC, Girne
Work: Information technology in general, Computer networks in general, Wireless computer networks, Distributed computing systems, Communication protocols, System simulation, Programming languages, Systems programming in Linux and Windows, Petri nets, Pattern recognition.
Biographical: Working language: English Short CV: Alexander E. Kostin received his BS degree in electrical engineering from Ryazan Radiotechnical Institute, Ryazan, Russia, a PhD in computer engineering from Moscow Engineering-Physical Institute (Technical University), Moscow, and a DSc degree in computer science from Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology (Technical University), Moscow. Up to 1995, he worked as Associate Professor and then as Professor in the Department of Computer Engineering at Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology. Since 1995, he has been working as Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Engineering of Eastern Mediterranean University, Famagusta, Cyprus. As a university professor, he prepared a variety of courses in computer science and computer engineering, including "Mathematical Foundations of Cybernetics", "System Simulation", "Systems Programming", "Computer Networks", "Network and Distributed Systems", “Internet Architecture and Protocols”. His research and professional interests include computer systems analysis, distributed systems and their modeling and simulation, Petri nets and their extensions, advanced simulation systems. He is an author or co-author of five textbooks for students, of over one hundred of other works, including papers in journals and conference proceedings, and surveys of computer science and computer engineering books in English and German languages. His biographical information is published in Marquis Who’s Who in the World, 23rd ed., 2006.
Favourite Publications: Books and Chapters in books: 3. A.Kostin and L.Ilushechkina, Modeling and Simulation of Distributed Systems, World Scientific Publishing Co., London, textbook, 2010. 2. A.Kostin, "Using Transition Invariants for Reachability Analysis of Petri Nets," Chapter in the book: V.Kordic (Ed.) Petri Net: Theory and Applications, I-Tech Education and Publishing, Vienna, Austria, 2008, pp.435 - 458. 1. Y.K.Yuce, A.Kostin, and E.Basri, "An Ethernet-Oriented Receiver-Initiated Reliable Multicast Protocol with Early Message Loss Detection Scheme", Chapter in the book: T.Tugcu, E.Gelenbe, M.U.Caglayan, and F.Alagoz (Eds.), New Trends in Computer Networks, pp. 274 - 287, Imperial College Press, 2005. Journal papers: . 11. A. Kostin, G. Oz and H. Haci, "Performance Study of a Wireless Mobile Ad Hoc Network with Orientation-dependent Inter-node Communication Scheme", International Journal of Communication Systems, to be published.. Available online at // 10. H. Haci, A.Kostin, G. Oz, "A restricted flooding mechanism for efficient anycast server localization in MANETs", Electronics Letters (IET), currently under a review. 9. A. Kostin, G. Oz, H. Haci, "A Flooding Mechanism of Stateless Anycast Routing in Mobile Wireless Ad Hoc Networks", in preparation for the submission. 8. A.Kostin, “Probability Distribution of Distance Between Pairs of Nearest Stations in a Wireless Networkk”, Electronics Letters, vol. 46, no. 18, pp. 1299 – 1300, 2010. 7. A.E. Kostin, “A Simple and Fast Multi-Class Piecewise Linear Pattern Classifier”, Pattern Recognition, vol. 39, no. 11, pp. 1949 - 1962, 2006. (SCI periodical) 6. Kostin, A., "Reachability Analysis in T-Invariant-less Petri Nets," IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, vol. 48, No 6, pp. 1019 - 1024, June, 2003. (SCI periodical ) 5. A.E.Kostin, I.Aybay, and G.Oz, "A Randomized Contention-Based Load Balancing Protocol for a Distributed Multiserver Queuing System," IEEE Trans. on Parallel and Distributed Systems, vol.11, No 12, December 2000, pp.1252 - 1273. (SCI periodical )
