Alicia Mason

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How has Regulatory Measures Affected the Animal World

user image 2015-11-23
By: Alicia Mason
Posted in:

Does your heart pain when you see incidents like street dogs getting severely beaten by people or boiling water is being poured on poor cats? Your feelings for these poor animals imply that that you are an animal lover. It is for sure that such scenes might have made you think of approaching the concerned authority so that you could get these people punished. However, the next moment, you might have thought that your efforts would go in vain because nobody cares about animals. But you will be happy to know that things have changed rapidly over the past few years. Not only are serious efforts to prevent torture of these poor creatures getting implemented, regulatory measures are also being imposed on the production and sale of veterinary medicines. If you are feeling inquisitive to know more about animals and veterinary medicines from around the world, start reading ahead.

Steps legalised against animal abuse

From now on, you do not have to think twice before reporting to the concerned authority that you have witnessed animal abuse. Now, activities like these have equal legal standing as that of human abuse. Even more, if you are living in USA or Canada then you will be happy to know that animal abuse is considered as a criminal offence. Thus, you can be rest assured that a person or persons caught torturing animals can face dire legal consequences.

Good policing has been implemented

A special provision has been made in Canada under the term good policing. Under this system, certain activities done on animals for the sake of benefit of mankind will be considered legalised. Although these activities might involve infringing pain or injury on these animals, they will be allowed because they come under provisions like medical research, production of food, etc. However, people will be forbidden from committing any other activity on animals that the society finds sinister. These non-recommended activities on animals will be considered as criminal acts by the Canadian government.

Considerations on prescribing veterinary treatments

Some time back, non-veterinary health care professionals were found to administer medicines to animals or treat them. This practicewas mostly prevalent in case of fields like veterinary dentistry, acupuncture, chiropractic treatment, etc. As a result, animals undergoing such treatments would often suffer from severe side effects and painful complications. The US government has made a strict rule against thispractice. Now it is a rule that only alicensed professional who has been legally trained to provide veterinary treatment can treat animals. In addition, the US government has provided a generalised list of services that fall under veterinary services. However, these specified veterinary services might slightly vary from state to state.

Consumer protections have been established

Establishment of consumer protection board is another milestone that has been achieved by the US government for ensuring the safety of animals. The major responsibility of the board is to ensure that all the products that are manufactured for animals follow standardised methods of production. This board also operates as an authorised body for checking the quality of these veterinary products. However, it should be remembered that this board only looks after the quality of veterinary products and safety measures followed while treating animals. Nevertheless, the board does not promote the veterinary profession or any specific veterinarypractice.

Regulatory measures on professional standards

Efforts have been made in some of the developed countries like USA and Canada in order to standardiseveterinarypractices. Under this measure, the specific veterinary procedures that could be administered to animals have been specified. In addition, various veterinary related licensing, registration and certification processes have also been spelt out in these regulatory measures. The regulatory measures also specify that any sort of medical treatment that needs to be performed on an ailing animal should be as per the specified standards.

Better communicationpractices for better monitoring

Efforts have been made in the African countries for a long time for improving the standard of veterinary medicines. In an official meeting in 2006, it was specified that the manufacturers would be bound to maintain transparency with the state regarding the manufacturing process that they follow for producing veterinary medicines and equipments. It was even stressed in the meeting that there must be a clear channel of communication between the state and the manufacturers so that the entire supply chain could be monitored properly. In addition to this, it was also declared in the meeting that the medical practitioners who treat human beings would work in coordination with the veterinary doctors to ensure better healthcare facilities throughout the region.


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