'Innovation' as a theme in open access journals

Research Cooperative
04/03/12 05:35:43PM

The Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) currently has a list of 36 journals that deal with various kinds of innovation.

Some of the main areas covered are innovation in relation to:





Computers and electronics

Information technology


Science and technology

Perhaps the most effective innovation clusters are those where educational, medical, social, and technical innovation are all present and all integrated in mutually supporting ways. It is not just a matter of putting many engineering companies together in the same location.

If this is true, then this may explain why Kyoto (where I am fortunate to live) remains such a vibrant city despite general decline in the Japanese economy.

Also... if this is true, then good communication between different realms in society and different realms in research, may be critical for effective innovation and benefit sharing.

The Research Cooperative can play a role here, as a network dedicated to better research communication. I hope!

Any suggestions about this would be welcome.