Celine Kerfant

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Location: France, Taiwan, Philippines and Spain
Work interests: archaeology, ethnobotany, banana, ginger, handicrafts
Affiliation/website: University of Rovira I Virgili
Preferred contact method: Reply to post in blog/forum/group
Preferred contact language(s): French, English, Spanish
Contact: ckerfant [-at-] gmail [-dot-] com
Favourite publications: Science et Vie, National Geographic, Economic Botany, Journal of Ethnobiology, Nature, Antiquity, Journal of Coastal Archaeology

Banana and Ginger for Baskets

Now carrying out fieldwork in Taiwan and Philippines for a Phd project on basket making. I am using a participant-observation approach to learn about the raw materials, techniques, technology and purposes of basket making.

I hope to learn how practitioners assess the properties or qualities of the materials they use, and how the materials are related to end products and uses.

I can translate social/biological research from English or Spanish to...

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Celine Kerfant
17/07/19 06:19:05PM @celine-kerfant:

Dear Peter,

Thank you for sharing this so interesting project with me. It is always amazing to discover new plant use into Handicraft. I recently receive this article upon basket making and it is still located in Amazonia forest.


There is indeed a similarity of family plant use between America and Southeast Asia, I really like to know more about it.

Thank you very much!!



Research Cooperative
17/07/19 03:39:43PM @chief-admin:

Dear Celine,

Here's a great project you will like, happening in the Amazon.... I suspect some vines have similar ecology and uses in SE Asia.


Research Cooperative
29/04/19 05:05:23PM @chief-admin:

Dear Celine,

Thanks for joining.

When you are ready, please let others know about your translation offers in our forum for services

(Admin., Kyoto)

Celine Kerfant
07/05/19 03:18:16PM @celine-kerfant:

Dear Peter,

Thanks for your valuable advice, I will proceed soon.

I am still working on my banana descriptors thanks to the Osaka library and to a recent access to the Real Jardin Botanico Archives.  By any chance do you know a good book about how to clearly separate species from variety? What I am reading is very interesting but also quite confusing (that is how interesting things taste).

Thank you very much,




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