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Location: Gold Coast, Australia
Work interests: Academic mentoring,
Affiliation/website: Griffith institute for Educational Research
Preferred contact method: Any
Preferred contact language(s): English
Contact: cbigum@gmail.com
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Research Cooperative
04/08/20 03:12:01PM @chief-admin:

Hi cj,

Thanks. re:  Favourite publications ? Mine or those of other folk?  

I set up that question intending it to be open to anything, but being ambiguous just throws people off. I probably should make it simply "favourite journals".

Peter (sweltering in Kyoto)

04/08/20 05:14:46PM @cj13:

I think more in terms of favourite thinkers/researchers rather than journals. :) -- 


In a cooling Gold Coast

03/08/20 10:37:30AM @cj13:
Location: Gold Coast, Queensland Work Interests: actor-network theory, Wardley mapping, edges, exponentials and education. Collaborative online work. Bit of a fan of Slack. I have been building a zettelkasten (in DEVONthink) and I write with Scrivener. I'm interested in too many things. Perhaps slowly morphing into a T-shaped academic. Affiliation: I have an adjunct appointment to the Griffith Institute for Educational Research.  I do the odd bit of mentoring of folk here and there given my unretired status :). My website (needs a rebuild).  Preferred contact method: (at least initially) email (cbigum@gmail.com) or twitter (@cj13) Preferred language: English Contact: email: cbigum@gmail.com; c.bigum@griffith.edu.au; Twitter: @cj13 Favourite publications ? Mine or those of other folk? 


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