World Association of Medical Editors

Research Cooperative
17/06/18 01:38:37PM

Since many members of the Research Cooperative work in medical fields, I would like to introduce the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME ) (established in 1995).

WAME is a  'nonprofit voluntary association of editors of peer-reviewed medical journals from countries throughout the world'.

The association fosters 'international cooperation among and education of medical journal editors'.

Membership in WAME is free and all decision-making editors of peer-reviewed medical journals are eligible to join .

Membership is also available to selected scholars in journal editorial policy and peer review. WAME has more than 1830 members representing more than 1000 journals from 92 countries (in 2017).

The WAME website provides information about best practices in medical publishing, and includes resources (guidelines) in many different languages. These may also be useful for authors and manuscript editors.


Of special importance for many authors is a WAME advisory document on how to identify predatory or pseudo-journals: