Co-op introduction in 14 languages

Research Cooperative
12/08/10 09:53:37PM

The Co-op introduction (see About ) has been translated into 14 languages so far, namely:

English, Spanish, German, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Maori, Romanian, Arabic, Portugese, French, Greek, Russian, Tagolog, and Vietnamese.

What languages would be good to add to this list?

Bahasa, Thai, Farsi, Turkish, Danish, Swedish?

What priorities would other members like to suggest?

I should cross-post this message to our Volunteers group -- we need volunteers for the translation work!

Peter (Admin.)

Research Cooperative
17/02/12 10:37:30PM @chief-admin:

Our Co-op introduction has been translated into a total of 17 languages , and we have had an offer of translation into Urdu. I am not sure if this will be done soon though.

Our introduction in Korean needs to be updated.

In short, volunteers for translation of our introduction into any language not yet covered are still welcome!


Sania Hamid
14/08/10 12:49:45AM @sania-hamid:
Urdu, hindi languages should also be included.