I read the interesting story today, thank you!
IJE, Nepal
Dear ALL,
I am glad to share the progress of our journal, International Journal of Environment ISSN 2091-2854 (online) which is published quarterly by Progressive Sustainable Developers, Nepal. The journal mainly focuses national and international research works on agriculture and environment for publishing. At this time, we have already been indexed by DOAJ and many other places. We have been regularly publishing each issues on time with the support of reviewers, editorial members and PSD-Nepal members. We stand at a place in terms of journal quality and would like to encourage authors to submit their original unpublished works to the journal. Similarly, we seek potential reviewers who would like to contribute to the journal in a peer review process.
At the moment we are conducting a scientific research on “Pesticides in horticultural environment in Nepal”. Besides, we act as an academic partner in forthcoming international conference in Sri Lanka during August 2017. In the past we had a good collaboration with INASP, UK; AuthorAID; The Research Cooperative and NIEHS, US in a project “Building research capacity in Nepal”.
At the end, we would like to collaborate with other institutes in the field of projects related to scientific publishing, agriculture and environment. Let’s work together!
Good day!!
Govinda Bhandari
International Journal of Environment (IJE), Nepal
Dear Govinda,
Many new members have joined our network since you first wrote about the IJE. Is the journal still looking for reviewers (as well as contributing authors). A brief update here (and/or in one of our topic focus groups) might be good... for your journal, and for our network!
Best regards, Peter
Peter J. Matthews, Chief Admin.,
The Research Cooperative,
Auckland & Kyoto.
Contact: researchcooperative [at] gmail [dot] com
Dear all,
Greetings from PSD-Nepal!
It is my great pleasure to write this mail to you.
International Journal of Environment (IJE) published by Progressive Sustainable Developers Nepal (PSD-Nepal) has already published three (3) volumes and the next issue is on the way. Author(s) from 18 different countries including Nepal could successfully publish their research works in the past volumes.
Please see the IJE archive for the details of each papers and author(s)
Within a very short period of time, IJE could make an academic relationship (author, reviewer, member and advisor) with experts from about 45 different countries.
IJE is indexed in Ulrich, Research Bible, J-Gate, Journal TOCs and HINARI.
Please send mail at: nepal.psd@gmail.com
updated by @govinda-bhandari: 13/06/17 08:40:21PM