Internet based Research Work
Hi Denious,Thank you very much for your posting. I think, Peter is absolutely right. I am uploading a material for you. It explains how to write Literature Review step by step. I think it is a very good document for beginners. Please try with it. If you don't find it useful please let me know. I would like very much to provide you more materials.I would like you to try yourself first.Thank you once again.
Dear Denious,The Research Cooperative is primarily aimed at people who are writing their own original work for publication.It is not clear exactly what you are asking for here, but if you are looking for someone to do your writing for you, then you will: (a) learn less, and (b) probably get a lower mark (teachers are interested in your thoughts, and how you pull other people's ideas together and apart, in a literature review, not so much in the standard of your English), and (c) miss out on the fun of writing your own stuff.English is a language designed to be mangled, so feel free to mangle it in your own way! Liberate yourself from the yellow tape of correct English! Express yourself!You could try to write something first, and then look for a volunteer to help with editing, and then acknowledge that help at the end of the review.Teachers are interested in how you write an essay, as well as what you write. They can (and should) help you if it is clear you are making your own efforts. If they get the impression that a student is not making an effort, they will probably switch off.One way you could approach this is to use our 'Projects' forum to outline your review as a project, and then ask for responses to your initial ideas, and leads to relevant literature. That would be a legitimate research approach, and a good way to get into the writing.
Peter J. Matthews, Chief Admin.,
The Research Cooperative,
Auckland & Kyoto.
Contact: researchcooperative [at] gmail [dot] com
Peter J. Matthews, Chief Admin.,
The Research Cooperative,
Auckland & Kyoto.
Contact: researchcooperative [at] gmail [dot] com
I would like to help you with internet based research works, preferably in the field of Social Science. Thank you.
updated by @golam-mostofa: 21/01/17 10:14:45PM
updated by @golam-mostofa: 21/01/17 10:14:45PM