The World is facing another recession!

Research Cooperative
Research Cooperative
14 years ago
226 posts

The Research Cooperative was created primarily to promote communication, and giving attention to the causes and consequences of a world recession is surely a good cause, so...

Here is another project idea suitable for our network:

Support a newly formed journal (January 2011) that aims to explore how sustainable and socially-beneficial businesses can help reduce poverty and unemployment.

See the Journal of Social Business .

Support can be offered in various ways:

1. Read the journal, learn from it, and use the ideas.

2. Write for the journal if you have original material suitable for the publication.

3. Offer to help translate journal contents pages and/or articles for the journal to publish, or privately for others who cannot easily read English, but are interested in the journal contents.

4. Offer to translate articles into English for contributors to the journal who cannot write well enough in English.

5. Offer to review or edit articles for contributors to the journal before they are submitted, as a volunteer or as a paid professional.

6. Tell others about the journal and encourage them to read it; and also tell them about the present proposal to support the journal, in the various ways suggested above.

Thank you.

Any further suggestions for this list are welcome!

Peter J. Matthews, Chief Admin.,
The Research Cooperative,
Auckland & Kyoto.

Contact: researchcooperative [at] gmail [dot] com
FURNICA Valentin Constantin
FURNICA Valentin Constantin
14 years ago
1 posts

Please translate romanian to english.

Desi este tarziu,

Va sugerez eliminarea a doua posibile cauze:

-informatia trebuie corectata, deoarece a patruns materialele. Este foarte posibil ca totul sa fie un efect indus, deoarece economiile par sa mearga pe un drum corect. Crizele reprezinta salturi de tipul razboaielor, or dezvoltarea naturala ar putea avea salturi mult mai mici si acceptabile fata de salturile presupuse de autorii (inductorii) crizelor;

- calitatea mediului comanda totul, inclusiv relatiile interumane. Adica, este posibil sa o luam razna la nivel populational, cu economii cu tot, din cauza lozincilor prinse in fluxul energetic si material (industrial). Poluarea electromagnetica trebuie indepartata prin ... extragere, la propriu. Se pare ca si miscarile tectonice depind de aceasta poluare care impune in primul rand o periodicitate de 7 zile (daca informatia o asociem campului electromagnetic structurat).

Sa auzim de bine !

Research Cooperative
Research Cooperative
14 years ago
226 posts

Here is a book would like to see translated into other languages

Tim Jackson (2009)

Prosperity Without Growth: Economics for a Finite Planet.

Earthscan, London and Washington DC

A communication project of this sort could be a good aim for members of the Co-op.

Peter J. Matthews, Chief Admin.,
The Research Cooperative,
Auckland & Kyoto.

Contact: researchcooperative [at] gmail [dot] com
Victor Bujor
Victor Bujor
14 years ago
2 posts

Lets say if we all came withone or two (max)ideas and in the end we allvote for the best idea to be implemented, Iand we should all be promoting it, volunteer and even do fund raising to see this idea break ground. What you all say on that?

Victor Bujor
Victor Bujor
14 years ago
2 posts

I think we owe it to the future generations to our children and future grandchildren.

My suggestion to you: Please list some ideas that CO-OP/s can do, to better the world today. Now ideas can be from initiatives taking place in certain place of the world to ideas that you as individual might want to tackle around your home, neighborhood, city, province/state/country.


updated by @victor-bujor: 21/06/17 01:16:09PM


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