Germany is a place to be when it comes to research

Jekayinfa Simeon Olatayo
22/05/11 02:50:51AM
I was in Germany(Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Engineering) between 2006 and 2008 on AvH sponsored fellowship. I was again in germany in August 2009 on a DAAD sponsored International Dean's Course. For the third time in succession, I was in Germany for 3 months between August and October, 2010 for research. I love Germany and her people.
Research Cooperative
09/10/11 08:25:47PM @chief-admin:

Ich muss auch etwas fuer Deutschland sagen... (Ich bin auch als Student da gewesen)

I think Germany is one of the few countries that really values international students and research visitors for their intellectual contributions and needs, not just as a customers from whom money can be extracted.

In the long-term, this is one of the best ways to obtain value from relationships between countries.
