Jekayinfa Simeon Olatayo

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Location: Ogbomoso, Oyo State
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Location: Ogbomoso, Oyo State, Nigeria
Work: Energy Optimization of Process Operations; Renewable Energy
Biographical: Curriculum Vitae Email: DR. JEKAYINFA, Simeon Olatayo 1. Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Potsdam, Germany (2006-2008) 2. Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) in Agricultural Engineering, University of Ibadan (2004) 3. Master of Science (M.Sc) in Agricultural Engineering, University of Ibadan (1995) 4. Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng) in Agricultural Engineering, University of Ilorin (1988) Present Employer: Ladoke Akintola University of Technology (LAUTECH), Department of Agricultural Engineering P.M.B 4000, Ogbomoso, Oyo State, Nigeria. Present Position: Lecturer Date and Place of Birth: August 21, 1966, Ogbomoso. Nationality: Nigerian. Marital Status: Married. Permanent Home Address: Victory House, Off Ibadan- Eruwa Road, Ologuneru, Ibadan, Nigeria. Telephone: +234 8033942248 Area of Research Interest: 1. Life Cycle Analysis of Selected Agricultural/ Food Products. 2. Energy Analysis of Some Agricultural/Food Processing Plants. 3. Utilization of Biomass as Biofuels Energy Sources 4. Development of Farm Machinery for Developing Countries 5. Energy Auditing/Utilization in Agricultural Activities Membership of Professional Bodies 1. Corporate Member, Nigerian Society of Engineers (No. 07824) 2. Corporate Member, Nigerian Institution of Agricultural Engineers (No. M678/1999). 3. Member Engineer, American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (No. 1009876). 4. Corporate Member, Nigerian Institution of Engineering Management (No. EM 0404) 5. Member Institution of Agricultural Engineers, UK (MIAgrE) (No. 8709). 6. Registered Engineer, Council for Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (No. R. 8104). Other Distinctions and Awards with Dates: 1. Certified as a subject of biographical record in Who’s Who in Science and Engineering, Eight Edition 2005-2006 by the Publ. Board of The Marquis’ Who’s Who in America. 2. Alumnus, Georg Forster of Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Germany 2006-2008 3. Alumnus, DAAD DIES of Germany (International Deans’ Course) 2009 Theses, Projects and Dissertations 1. Jekayinfa, S.O. (1988). Effect of Speed and Height of Cut of a Motorized Plot Harvester on Harvesting Loss of Cowpea. An Unpublished B. Eng. Project Report Submitted to the Department of Agricultural Engineering, University of Ilorin. 2. Jekayinfa, S.O. (1995). A Study of Resistance to Airflow in Cocoa Beans Drying. M.Sc. Research Project Report. University of Ibadan. 3. Jekayinfa, S.O. (2004). Modelling Direct Energy Utilization in the Palm- Kernel Oil Industry in Osun and Oyo States of Nigeria. Ph.D Thesis. University of Ibadan Selected Publications in the Last Three Years 1. Jekayinfa, S.O. and Bamgboye, A.I. (2006). Estimating Energy Requirements in Cashew nut Processing Operations. Energy- The International Journal 31(8/9): 1305 – 1320 .(USA) 2. Jekayinfa, S.O. (2006). Energy Consumption Pattern of Selected Mechanized Farms in South Western Nigeria. Agricultural Engineering International: the CIGR - E – Journal Manuscript EE 06 001. April, 2006 website: 3. Jekayinfa, S.O. (2006). Effect of Airflow Rate, Moisture Content and Pressure Drop on Airflow Resistance of Locust Bean Seed. Agricultural Engineering International: the CIGR - E – Journal Manuscript BC 04 008. May, 2006. website: (USA) 4. Jekayinfa, S.O. (2007). Energetic Analysis of Poultry Processing Operations. Leonardo Journal of Sciences 10: 77-92. (Romania) 5. Jekayinfa, S.O. and Bamgboye, A.I. (2007). Development of Equations for Predicting Energy Requirements of Palm- Kernel Oil Processing Operations. Journal of Food Engineering. 79(1): 322 - 329. (UK) 6. Jekayinfa, S.O. and Olajide, J.O. (2007). Analysis of Energy Usage in the Production of Three Selected Cassava - Based Foods in Nigeria. Journal of Food Engineering 82(2): 217-226. (UK) 7. Alamu, O.J., Waheed, M.A. and Jekayinfa, S.O. (2007). Alkali-catalysed Laboratory Production and Testing of Biodiesel Fuel from Nigerian Palm Kernel Oil. Agricultural Engineering International: the CIGR - E – Journal.Manuscript EE 07 009 Vol.IX July 2007. (USA) 8. Alamu, O.J., Waheed, M.A. and Jekayinfa, S.O. (2007). Biodiesel Production from Nigerian Palm Kernel Oil: Effect of KOH Concentration on Yield. Journal of Energy for Sustainable Development. 11(3):77-82. (USA) 9. Alamu, O.J., Waheed, M.A. and Jekayinfa, S.O. (2007). Laboratory Preparation of Nigerian Palm Kernel Oil Biodiesel: Influence of Transesterification Duration on Yield. Agricultural Engineering International: the CIGR - E – Journal.Manuscript EE 07 0018 Vol.IX December 2007. (USA) 10. Jekayinfa, S.O. and Scholz, V. (2007). Energy Potentials of Crop Residues in Nigeria. 13th International Conference for Renewable Resources and Plant Biotechnology (NAROSSA 2007), Poznan, Poland 11. Jekayinfa, S.O. and Scholz, V. (2007). Assessment of Availability and Cost of Energetically Usable Crop Residues in Nigeria. Conference on International Agricultural Research for Development (Tropentag 2007). Universities of Kassel-Witzenhausen and Göttingen. Witzenhausen Germany. October 9-11, 2007. 12. Waheed, M.A., Jekayinfa, S.O., Ojediran, J.O. and Imeokparia, E.O. (2008). Energy Analysis of Fruit Juice Processing Operations. Energy the International Journal. 33(1): 35-45 (USA) 13. Jekayinfa, S.O. and Bamgboye, A.I. (2008). Energy Use Analysis of Selected Palm Kernel Oil mills in South Western Nigeria. Energy the International Journal. 33(1): 81-90 (USA) 14. Alamu, O.J., Waheed, M.A. and Jekayinfa, S.O. (2008). Effect of Ethanol-Palm kernel Oil Ratio on Alkali-catalyzed Biodiesel Yield Fuel 87(8-9): 1529-1533 (USA) 15. Jekayinfa, S.O. (2008). Ergonomic Evaluation and Energy Requirements of Bread-baking Operations in Southwestern Nigeria. Nutrition and Food Science. 38(3): 118 – 120. (UK) 16. Jekayinfa, S.O. and Scholz, V. (2009). Potential Availability of Energetically Usable Crop Residues in Nigeria. Energy Sources.31(8): 687-697 (USA) 17. Alamu, O.J., Waheed, M.A. and Jekayinfa, S.O. (2009). Determination of Optimum Temperature for the Laboratory Preparation of Biodiesel from Nigerian Palm Kernel Oil. Energy Sources Part A 31(13): 1105-1114 (USA) 18. Jekayinfa, S.O., Ojediran, J.O., Adebiyi, K.A, Ola, F.A.,.and Adeniran, A.D. (2009). Appraisal of Farm Tractor Accidents Occurrence and Prevention in Nigeria. International Journal of Disaster Prevention & Management 18(4): 451-460(UK) 19. Jekayinfa, S.O. and Waheed, M.A. (2008). Selected Fuel Properties of Biodiesel Produced from Shea Butter Oil and Palm-Kernel Oil. In: ed. Adebooye, O.C. et al.: Food, Health and Environmental Issues in Developing Countries: The Nigerian Situation. Cuvillier Verlag Göttingen, Germany. Pp. 491. 20. Jekayinfa, S.O. and Scholz, V. (2007). Energy Potentials of Crop Residues in Nigeria. 13th International Conference for Renewable Resources and Plant Biotechnology (NAROSSA 2007), Poznan, Poland 21. Jekayinfa, S.O. and Scholz, V. (2007). Assessment of Availability and Cost of Energetically Usable Crop Residues in Nigeria. Conference on International Agricultural Research for Development (Tropentag 2007). Universities of Kassel-Witzenhausen and Göttingen. Witzenhausen Germany. October 9-11, 2007. Extra-Curricula Activities 1. Head, Department of Agricultural Engineering, August 2004 to June 2006; August 1, 2008 to Date 2. Member, University Senate, 2004 to 2006; 2008 to Date 3. Member, Board of LAUTECH University Consultancy Services, 2008 to Date 4. Member, Board of LAUTECH Postgraduate School,2008 to Date S. O. Jekayinfa 09/10/09
Favourite Publications: 1. Energy 2. Journal of Food Engineering 3. Nutrition and Food Science 4. Applied Energy 5. Fuel 6. Anti Corrosion Methods and Materials

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Jekayinfa Simeon Olatayo

Germany is a place to be when it comes to research

I was in Germany(Leibniz Institute of...
@Jekayinfa Simeon Olatayo 14 years ago - Comments: 1

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Research Cooperative
21/08/10 09:10:17PM @chief-admin:
Dear Dr Olatayo,I have created a new group called "Energy research" inside the Research Cooperative. This group will focus on how energy research is communicated across all media, scientific and popular. The group is open to researchers, editors, translators, publishers, and others.If you would like to look (and perhaps join), please follow this link:
"> Thanks, Dr Peter Matthews (for the Research Cooperative)
Research Cooperative
20/06/10 01:28:09PM @chief-admin:
Dear Dr Olatayo,I have created another communication-focused group, this time for "Food, Agriculture and People", inside the Research Cooperative. If you would like to look (and perhaps join), please see here: Thanks, Peter (Admin. Research Cooperative)
Research Cooperative
09/05/10 08:45:30PM @chief-admin:
Dear Jekayinfa,I have created a new group called "Express Engineering" inside the Research Cooperative. This group will focus on the expression (i.e. communication) of engineering knowledge across all media. If you would like to look (and perhaps join), please follow this link:
"> Thanks, Dr Peter Matthews (for the Research Cooperative)


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