Welcome to the group

Research Cooperative
22/06/14 09:48:19AM

This group has been established by Mr Govinda Bhandari in collaboration with Dr Peter Matthews of the National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka, Japan.

Govinda explains: "My main interest is to let the people all over the globe know what type of research relevant to environment is going on in Nepal. Also what happened in the past and what will happen in future. [I also] want to develop the journal [see link below]. I would like to attract authors, reviewers and editors around the globe and encourage them for submissions, revision and editorial assistance."

The International Journal of Environment, Nepal, is published by Progressive Sustainable Developers Nepal (PSD-Nepal).


Research staff at the National Museum of Ethnology (est. 1974) have long had interest in Nepal. The museum website presents the Nepal Photo Database. This is based on 3,584 photographs taken by Ryuzo TAKAYAMA, a former professor of Kyoto Bunkyo University, and other members of the Japanese Scientific Expedition for Northwestern Nepal in 1958, under the leadership of Jiro KAWAKITA.

The database also includes 295 photographs of ethnographic materials collected in Nepal by the expedition, and now held at the National Museum of Ethnology. The Nepal Photo Database was developed by staff member Makito MINAMI.

Photographs in the database, and in linked resources at other institutions, may be useful for visualising changes in life and environment in Nepal, over the last hundred years.

Govinda Bhandari
23/06/14 02:35:49PM @govinda-bhandari:
Thanks for the Post.