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Research Cooperative
22/02/23 12:39:35PM @chief-admin:

Hi again... Yesterday I found the following article (free, online). It is very good, despite some problems with expression (numbers should be rounded to one or two decimal places; not all graph axes are properly labelled; some sentences are not well written):

Manna, S., C. Mondal and A. Roy (2019). "Economic contribution of cattail (Typha Domingensis): A source of alternative livelihood option in flood-prone Bengal plains, India." Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences 10(1): 1199-1207.

Two important points are that most of the people harvesting and processing cattail do not own the land, and that the profit margins are much higher than for rice growing because the input costs are low. So even without the benefit of work to add value to the products, it is quite a good business. Another important point is that land that is continuously wet or flooded is of least value for other crops, but is of best value for Typha .

At the market we were told that the mats only last about 1.5 years with normal outdoor use. How can the working life of the mats be extended? There might be a very simple "biotechnology" solution for this (I have ideas, but what can you suggest?). Making the material more durable would add cost, but would also help make higher-value products more attractive for buyers.

P1160963 copy 1.jpeg

Typha mats market near Kolkata, West Bengal

(Photo by PJM 17th Feb. 2023, with S. Shil).

Research Cooperative
21/02/23 10:51:24AM @chief-admin:

Dear Debraj,

Thanks for joining. It was good meeting you in Kolkata last week.

I set up this network to encourage cooperation in science communication, as we we can do more by working together than by competing.

Of course competition is useful in some ways, but most of the best work in the world depends on cooperation. Learning to work with other people is what has been most beneficial for my own work, though I also need time alone to think my own thoughts and have new ideas.

New ideas can come from groups people working and talking together, as well as from individuals working on their own. There are many styles of scientific work, and it is good for each person to find a style (or range of styles) that suits them personally. By study and work in more than one discipline (archaeology, biology, agriculture), I have been able to work in very different organisations, while also following my own interests.

It is risky to be a specialist in just one thing because then we have fewer opportunities and cannot change direction so easily when we need to.

This network has not been very active, but one way you could use the network is to start your own science blog, commenting on whatever thing interests you, in your own voice, whenever there is something you would like to write about. Perhaps you could call it  "Kolkata Science Notes" (or name it after one of your dogs?!).

At this point, you don't need to join any specific group inside the network, though you can whenever you want.

PJM (Admin, Kyoto)

23/02/23 01:45:20AM @debraj:
Sir thank you for suggesting me the article. For the question that you gave i need some more time. Thank you.


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