Elisabeth Jeffries

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Preferred contact method: Reply to post in blog/forum/group
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Founding Member

Location: London, UK.
Work: The whole range of environmental issues, environmental and technological and social innovation and also issues to do with economic development in relation to environmental and energy issues.
Biographical: Please email me via my profile mail box if you need to make contact - thankyou. After several years reporting on commodities markets for business and science publisher Reed Elsevier, I crafted a path as a self-employed writer and editor on environmental issues. The huge social and technological innovation in this area means it’s a very enjoyable and creative job. About two-thirds of my work is focused on clean energy and low carbon issues. I’ve been commissioned by the Times, The Spectator, The Guardian, Economist Group, Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership (REEEP), Worldwatch Institute and numerous business and consumer publishers and have a joint honours modern language degree and a masters in management studies, in addition to my journalism training. I am bilingual in French and fluent in German and Spanish. I can translate into English from these languages. I can edit in English and French. I write in English.

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Julia Schumann-Mudrick
17/02/13 08:31:21AM @julia-schumann-mudrick:

Dear Elisabeth,

I would like to invite you to a meetup for London area Research Cooperative members next month. Please check out ourfacebook pagefor more information and RSVP if you can make it. If you have any questions, feel free to send me a message through the co-op or via email.



Research Cooperative
24/04/10 07:56:10PM @chief-admin:
Dear Elisabeth,We have made a new group for "Translators" inside the Research Cooperative. If you would like to look (and perhaps join), please see here: Thanks, Peter (Admin., The Research Cooperative)


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