Dear Tesfaye,I have put your request here in the editing requests forum because it seems you are looking for help.Please explain (1) what stage you have reached with your writing e.g. (outline only, some parts only, full draft, etc.), (2) how long your thesis is expected to be (e.g. A4 pages, single spaced or double spaced, or number of words), (3) what your schedule is (e.g. deadline for submission, or likely date for submission), and (4) are you looking for a volunteer?Also, it would be good to say more about the content of your thesis, by giving a full title (working title or final title; either is OK), and by giving a summary of the thesis (e.g. a few short sentences, or one short paragraph).Giving these kinds of information, will help other members of the Research Cooperative decide if they can help you in any way.Best regards, Peter (for the Research Cooperative).