Katherine Akagi

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Location: Boston, Mass.
Work: Development of a Harm Reduction day program for dually diagnosed individuals who are receiving temporary housing from the City of Cambridge. In the process of organizing a 3 month long study of the affects of Tai Chi on Asian participants blood pressure in Chinatown Boston, MA
Affiliations: Past- Community Mental Health, program development for Dual Diagnosis population. Development of culturally focused Cambodian day tx for the Metro Boston Asian Collaborative Current Private practice and consultation
Contact: Katherineakagi@gmail.com
Biographical: English French
Favourite Publications: Social Work Research MASW News Letter

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Research Cooperative
21/05/14 08:29:19AM @chief-admin:

Greetings from Kyoto... thanks for joining. Will you have a control group (no Tai Chi activity) for the Tai Chi study, or will some control be provided by the different frequencies of attendance to the classes?

It might be interesting to record where participants choose to stand in relation to the group leader. I suspect it may be a little like school classes, where the people with least dedication tend to shift towards the back of the class. I stood in this position at a Tai Chi class in Taiwan a few years ago, as I was just a traveller passing by!


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