Ken Bellamy

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Location: Australia
Work: Photosynthesis, microbial balancing, carbon sequestration, methane management, mineral sequestration and organic nutrient management
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Concepts of Photosynthesis

user image 2010-04-05
By: Ken Bellamy
Posted in:

I would like to publish a series of articles/papers on the subject of photosynthesis and aspects which arise out of a re-visit of the common formulae in a general science arena. The concepts in these papers seem to be gaining momentum in some circles but have not been made generally available yet. Is this the place or can anyone make a suggestion.

It is clear that the ramifications of what I've written/done are far-reaching -- at least judging by the opposition which has arisen at the implementation end of things -- but so far, almost nobody has been willing to comment at all on the theories.

Suggestions on how I should go about obtaining such comment are welcome. (Please email me if need be)


Ken Bellamy

Rita Asakaviciute
06/04/10 07:29:36PM @rita-asakaviciute:
It would be very interesting
Research Cooperative
06/04/10 02:38:48PM @chief-admin:
Dear Ken,I am not a specialist in this area, but did study basic biochemistry and the basics of photosynthesis in botany as an undergraduate. What level of audience are you aiming for, and who would be qualified to assess or advise on the mathematics and chemistry involved in your writing? Would you like to find interested readers to comment on your paper before deciding where to send it for publication?I am personally interested in why so many plants show occasional purple leaf coloration, and how the purple coloring might relate to photosynthesis - do purple-colored leaf surfaces reflect or transmit useful quantities of red light back into the green tissues of the plant? Light can be useful as an energy source and as a signal, for plants, so the purple colors might be important in one or both of these ways.Best regards, Peter


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