Kien Nguyen Van

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Invitations: 1
Location: Hanoi Vietnam
Work interests: Genetic diversity, evolution, ecosystem service, sustainable development
Affiliation/website: Plant Resources Center (PRC)
Preferred contact method: Reply to post in blog/forum/group
Preferred contact language(s): English
Contact: Mr. Nguyen Van Kien. Plant Resources Center (PRC). Add: An Khanh, Hoai Duc, Hanoi, Vietnam
Favourite publications: pls search on internet

plant genetic resources for food and agriculture and relevant fields/sub-fields

Kien Nguyen Van has been working as a researcher at Plant Resources Center (PRC) since 2000. He is responsibility for managing vegetable seeds resources at plant genebank  division. Graduated bachelor of biochemistry and Master of applied biology in Hanoi National University in 1999 and 2009, respectively, he also received the secondary degree of English  language in Hanoi University of foreign languages studying in 2007. His interest focuses on areas of in-situ conservation and its dynamics and evolution, seed physics, changes of priorities conservation. As a member of...

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Research Cooperative
04/07/17 09:55:21PM @chief-admin:

Dear Kien,

Thanks for joining. There are lots of editors for English in our network, but not many for Vietnamese! Our network should support Vietnamese-language publications, not just English-language publications.

I would like to know more about agriculture, botany, ecology, and plant science journals in Vietnam.

Peter (Admin)


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