Tips for Networking, No. 12

Research Cooperative
28/12/16 12:30:35AM


Today's subject: Search central

Welcome to the twelfth issue of Tips for Networking

Date: 19th November, 2012.
Publisher: The Research Cooperative. Circulation: c. 5,200.
Previous issue: 2nd Sept., 2012 (How to invite others).
Tips top page.

Today I have been redesigning our main instruction page for search functions inside our network.

The overall aim of our network is to help members make useful connections for work and communication purposes. We need to be able to find each other through the website. The tools to do this are introduced on our page "Searching the Research Cooperative", also known as "Search Central".

You can find this page anytime by clicking on the "Search" tab in our main menu.


TIP: Use all the different search methods at least once in order to learn about our network.


Here they are, in summary:

1. Search all forums (offers and requests) or  search individual forums

2. Search entire site (global search across all content)

3. Simple search across the profiles of all members

4. Advanced search across the profiles of all members

5. Search list of 'all groups' or see links in All groups home (an index page)

6.  View all members within a group (e.g. Translators) .

7. Search all content created by a member (e.g. the network administrator)

8. Search notes , see also the index page, 'Notes home'

Happy searching!

Visit The Research Cooperative at: http://researchcooperative. org