Tips for Networking, No. 17

Research Cooperative
28/12/16 09:20:39PM

Today's topic: Be interested - on your own term s

Welcome to the 15th issue of Tips for Networking

Date: 11th October, 2013 . Publisher: The Research Cooperative. Circulation: c. 7,100.

Greetings to our new members. There are many, and I have not been able to greet each of you in person.
My apologies for not making contact with all members more frequently (I am trying to get a book published!).

Today I read Julie Bosman's review of ' The Circle' , a new novel by Dave Eggers (see I nternational Herald Tribune , Oct. 11, 2013). She believes that the book describes a ' dystopian, hyperconnected world '. Myabe it does, but judging by the activity of our own network, 'hyperconnection' seems to be an exaggeration. I hope so. My own hope for social networking , here, and in other networks, is that each of us can participate on our own terms.

The Research Cooperative is a very low-key network, though it's aims are very ambitious. Most social networks a created with the goal of generating some kind of hyperactive networking activity from which advertising revenue can be extracted. In the relatively slow-moving realm of research, academic writing, and publishing, this is hardly likely to happen here.Nevertheless, more activity than we currently see would be useful. Every member of our network can use their profile page to publish comments, news, opinion in the form of a personal blog. If each member made one blog post per year, we would be looking at several blog posts per day through the network as a whole.  That would be a great level of activity!Here are two suggestions:

  • Be interested in social networking - on your own terms.
  • Read 'The Circle' (or read reviews about the book) and report impressions to the Research Cooperative through your personal blog (accessible from your Research Cooperative profile page).

Personally, I would like to know what our members think about the book, social networking in general, and the future of our own network.

Thank you, Peter

[End of tips ]

Sent by: Dr Peter Matthews (Research Co-op Admin., Kyoto)


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