Research Cooperative Review (Issue 14, 8th Sept., 2011)
We now have 3,530+ members . Visit the member page to browse member profiles.
Administration support group - if you are interested in how our network is managed and would like to help in some way, please join our support group (each request to join will need approval before it is finalised).
Researchers at the Research Cooperative - if you would like to join a discussion group created for researchers, and for others wishing to make contact with researchers, please join us here. A majority of our members are researchers, but this group is new and has only two members at present.
The Ethnobotanical Society - one of our members has taken the initiative of seeking to establish a new academic society for ethnobotany. He would welcome visitors, comments, and support, and can be reached through the support page created inside our network. This is a good example of how a communication project can be started within the Research Cooperative (see our Projects index here). If his project is successful, the society will of course need the support of editors, translators, and publishers.
Another member is very concerned about the global economic situtation (recession) and has issued a call for ideas and suggestions about how our network and how individual members of the Research Cooperative can help. This is a very broad request, but could lead to some useful discussions. See also our existing group aimed at responding to the communication needs of projects that support sustainable economic development .
For several months we have had a donation panel link on the top page of our website. This is not very obvious, as it sits at the bottom of the top page, but we did not want to interfere with the main functions of the top page. We have received no donations.
I remain hopeful, but am now wondering if we should create a voluntary subscription system . It is now possible to ask all new members to make a payment of either zero, or a suggested amount. In other words, all new members can subscribe for free , but will have a clear opportunity to support the network financially.
Does this sound reasonable? I am not planning to make any changes until there has been some feedback from our members, on this matter.
It is important that the Research Cooperative finds sources of funding for long-term maintenance and development of the network.
Please send comments to Peter directly (researchcooperative at gmail dot com).
Profile photos - our network has new software that allows us to edit a profile photo after it has been installed on the profile page. If you are not happy with your present profile photo, please visit 'My Page' after signing in to the network, and click on the link that appears over your profile photo. The current default photo shows some flowers at Kew Gardens, London, at sunset. It is pretty, but the images provided by our members are needed to create variety and interest.
Promoting the Research Cooperative - our network depends to a large extent on personal connections to attract new members. If you have a Facebook page, please create a link to the Research Cooperative somewhere on your Facebook page. Doing this at other online social networks would also help. A big THANKS in advance!
See previous issues of our Research Cooperative Review here . See also our Tips for Networking .
Visit The Research Cooperative at: