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Location: Cluj, Romania
Work: new energy sources real life problem solving methodology
Biographical: I am a 71 old editor-turned scientific researcher. I have two fields of interest- new energy sources as hydrino. of Randell Mills and finding general rules for solving difficult problems.
Work: new energy sources real life problem solving methodology
Biographical: I am a 71 old editor-turned scientific researcher. I have two fields of interest- new energy sources as hydrino. of Randell Mills and finding general rules for solving difficult problems.
Asking for your generous help. dear friends!
I well knew my project described here is VERY difficult:
I wanted my Rules translated in at least 100 languages and I have them in only 18, as it can be seen on my blog or here:
It is a disaster- all languages are important, people everywhere have problems- but it is tragic to NOT have
translation in languages spoken by over a hundred million
of people as Arabic, Japanese, the languages of India.
So many problems will remain unsolved...please help.
Thank you in advance in the name of the people in trouble
from everywhere!
Dear Peter,
first of all, I am very indebted for your.I have no idea how many translators in how many languagesbelong to our community but I hope they will understand how important it is
to solve the real life problems.
The choice is: will we live in a world in depp trouble, complaining or in a world with problems
that are systematically solved; the Rules are really useful for the second options. Therefore,
the colleagues who will help with translation will help theur folks- and me.
My rules have been worked out during long years of scientific and technical research- mainly for new sources of energy plus an exhaustive documentation re the published problem solving methods.
Seemingly tey are based on negative thinking (in a way) but see please he ten Commandament, nine contain explicitly the world NO. I wrote an ode dedicated to this word:
NO is almost always more powerful, ionfluential, has a greater impact than YES, think please
for example re "loss aversion" but do not limit the discussion to it.
Rule 20 annihilates the suspicion of an dogmatic anti-dogma. The Rules are exactly the contrary of idealistic i.e. are realistic, pragmatic and materialistic- all these in their best sense.
The Rules are a response to the epidemics of probletence that is a real danger to our future
The social problems appear to be insoluble, see:
Many social systems -states had fallen victims of an destructive phenomenon- suddenly the Whole became mach smaller them the sum of the Parts.
According to Rule 18 an INSOLUBLE PROBLEM (or very "wicked" one - see Wikipedia for this cocept!) is a problem that can be solved only with a radical change of its premises.
I agree not easy translation(s) however the spirit of the Rules has to be conveyed.
Gratefully yours,
Dear Peter,
Your rules reflect a very pragmatic perspective on problems in general. I do see a lot of truth in them, and hope others will help you with the translation project.
There may be a problem with presentation. I suppose you have already considered different possible titles for the list. A good title might help to draw people into the details. Or perhaps you need different titles for different cultural contexts.
In Japan, foreign movie titles are almost never given literal translations... a new Japanese title is always chosen to appeal to the local audience. Sometimes it will be close to the original, sometimes it will be very different.
This is a problem that cannot be solved from one side. You would need to have good rapport with each translator to discuss how best to give a title to your rules for solving problems.
Your list seems to have anti-rules embedded as rules. You are offering an anti-dogmatic dogma. This is another way of saying that we need to look at all sides of each problem, as well as the premises and ideal goals, in order to move towards achievable goals that provide at least some improvement or satisfaction.
I sense that you are trying to encourage the idea of an open-minded, problem-solving culture, rather than any specific way of dealing with problems.
Perhaps the title could be something like: "Rules for a Problem-Solving Society".
Society enters the picture when the ideas, or culture, become embedded in visible organisations and structures, in communities and governments. Your aim seems to encourage a change in culture, in order to change society.
Of course, all cultures and societies have problem-solving rules embedded in them to some extent, but generally in a piecemeal or ad hoc manner.
In modern IT terms, I think your list is compatible across different platforms, and scalable, but perhaps it needs multiple identifiers, not just one universal DOI.
Best regards, Peter M. (Research Co-op)