Prof. Santanu Das

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Location: India
Work interests: Manufacturing Technology
Preferred contact method: Comment on my profile page
Preferred contact language(s): English
Favourite publications: Indian Welding Journal

Founding Member

Location: India, West Bengal, Dist. Nadia, Kalyani
Work: Manufacturing Technology; Machining, Grinding, Welding, Inventory management.
Biographical: Professor and Head, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kalyani Govt. Engineering College, Kalyani- 741235, West Bengal, INDIA.Working languages: English, Bengali.Mobile: (+91) 9433 95 6050,Telefax: (+91) 33 2582 1309 (Office)Website: Editor, Journal of the Association of Engineers, India [ISSN 0368-1106]Editor, REASON- A Technical Magazine [ISSN 2277-1654]Editor, Indian Science Cruiser [ISSN 0970-4256]Joint Editor, Indian Welding Journal [ISSN 0046-9092]Council Member, Indian Institute of WeldingExecutive Council Member, Institute of Science Education and Culture
Favourite Publications: 1. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 2. Materials and manufacturing Processes 3. Sadhana 4. Adnanced Materials Research 5 Journal of the Association of Engineers, India 6. Reason- A Technical Journal 7. International Journal of Abrasive Technology 8. Indian Welding Journal
